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일기장 Dear Diary,

Thursday 29 November 2012
Dumb ways to die

My babies. These five idiots gave me so much heartache and tears. They made me cry for the first time when they left Singapore on 10th August 2011. It's the first time I cried so hard for anyone. At that moment, I know, I know they are the ones I want to watch over throughout their idol journey. They give me joy like no others and I'm proud of every single one of them. 

Literally the stupidest leader I've ever seen. But he has good leadership skills, he's able to keep the group united and solve any internal conflicts between the members. Let's just say, they don't have any internal conflicts because of their Saturday night talks. One reason why I love our Jinyoung is because he's really talented. He has no music education yet he's able to compose all these beautiful songs. He works really hard and everyone that works hard deserves your love. He's always thanking us fans no matter what they achieved, he believes us fans also needs our credit for sticking by them. This is why I love Jinyoung, he will never, never, ever, forget about us. 

The handsomest bear I've ever come across. His smile is to die for. When you see him in real life, you will be blown off the surface of the Earth. When he smiles, you will literally die. His smile is so blinding and it can brighten up anyone's day. Pictures don't do Shinwoo justice because he's a freaking God in real life. Shinwoo is very, very kind. If I can choose to date anyone in B1A4, I will choose him without hesitance. Shinwoo is very calm and he is really sweet. Although he's spacing out most of the times.... He is really slow and he hibernates a lot. He can rap, sing, dance, cook. He makes a really good father. Shinwoo.. He don't get a lot of love like the other members but he works really hard. He deserves all my attention and I hope people will learn to love this warm-hearted bear too. 

Don't be cheated by his cute looks, this guy, he talks way too much. He's noisy as hell and his mouth is probably open from the moment he wakes up till he goes to bed in the night. He loves food and his entire face brightens up when he sees it. He's not called a 돼지오리 for no reason. He's noisy like a duck and eats like a pig, make sense? He's often seen around Baro and he's the one getting bullied most of the times. Even though he's the third oldest, he's like the youngest. Sandeul rarely gets angry either, he's always smiling. His smile is really bright and his eyes make these really cute crescents. His voice... Do not judge a book by its cover. Although he's often seen fooling around, and often being called as a village idiot, when he grabs a mike, stands on stage, he's a whole new person. He's really serious when it comes to singing and his voice will warm everyone's' hearts. He's the vitamin of B1A4. 

Don't get cheated by this guy's cute looks either. When he raps, he's a totally different person. He can be fooling around off stage but on stage, it's serious business for him. But when he cries, it's a different story. To be honest, he cries the most?? He's really cute when he smiles and recently, he's becoming more and more good looking. Is it because of his hair or is it because he has matured? Being the second youngest somehow rub off on him and he's often immature. He dances to girl groups' and I... Recently though, he changed. Good or bad, I truly don't know. Good in the sense that he have matured but bad because.. He's slowly losing the humbleness. Nonetheless, he's a talented chap too. He writes his own raps and he acts well. He's a really good comedian and I'm sure he will do well in the comedy world. Being the only 'B' in this group might be difficult for him because their personalities will clash. However, I'm glad to see that they get along well. 

The stupidest guy I've ever met. I hate him. Currently in a love-hate relationship with him. He's really foolish and there's 1001 reasons why I still hate and love him. He makes me smile then makes me cry. What's wrong with him? He's only 19 and he makes the whole world worries for him, who does he thinks he is? Stupidest fool. The youngest, the one with the most aegyo. The one whose eyes smile along whenever he smiles. He's a hyung whore. I want to shove food down his throat. After that incident, his face lost all his baby fats and he's even skinnier than before. He sing and dance passionately whenever he's on stage, which worries me. The eye bags below his eyes have became worse and I feel like hitting him. His voice is really cute and I'm not being bias BUT HE NEEDS MORE SINGING PARTS. Those few seconds, those few lines he have is not enough. It's never enough, he needs a freaking solo or I'll burn down the whole company. Okay sorry, I still hate him though.  

12 aliens, 12 idiots from outerspace. Every single one of them is special and they are a hard working bunch of kids. I believe they will win the rookie award and they will do well in their years to come.

The scary but nice leader. When he don't speak, he looks scary, when he smiles, it's a whole new person. His gums show when he smiles and it's a really beautiful smile. He is very mysterious and very, very nice. He's the translator of Exo because he's fluent in three languages. When fans crowd around him at the airport, the guards were about to chase them away and I will always remember what he said. "They are with me" which idol will do that? He's willing to spend his time with his fans and he even appreciates their gifts. When a fan passed him a shirt, he immediately went to the toilet to changed and he came out asking, "Do I look good?" I'm just done with this guy okay?? 

Easily the cutest member of them all. He may be 22 but age is just a number, how is he 22?! He looks the youngest to me to be honest. He likes to eat and he's the baozi of the group. He's really funny and I think he needs more attention. He got into SM because he won the singing competition but his singing parts are really limited. He's one of the main dancers but he don't get many chance to showcase his skills, I just hope he will get his chance soon because he's a real talent. I'm glad he's now fine being in M. The language barrier, the different culture and food, I was afraid it was too difficult for him to cope but he made it, I'm so proud of him because now, his Chinese have improved a lot and he's doing well in China.

The nicest member. The one who is liked by everyone. The one whose voice calms me down. He is often seen around Sehun and they love bubble tea. He's really cute and pretty, but to me, he can be manly too. Actually he's really manly..... He's the other translator of Exo. He's often seen whispering to Xiumin and Chen during programs because they don't understand Chinese. He helps them without wanting anything in return and that's why I love him. He's really sweet and kind and he's everything nice. He's the vitamin of Exo-M and he's very cheerful. He's always smiling and I love his smile. I love everything about him actually, he's perfect. There's nothing not to like about him because he's a perfect man. When he dance, he's really different. He's like a devil when he dances and like an angel when he sings. I love this man here. 

The anglic leader. The one whose smile will brighten up your day. His smile is really, really beautiful. He trained for 7 years and he finally made his debut with Exo this year. He's a hard working guy. I feel sorry for him sometimes. The kids hardly listens to him and he just smiles it off. The bunch of Exo-K kids are too rowdy and it's difficult for him to control them. And when I heard the only reason he was chosen for Exo was because he's hard working and not because of his voice. I... Suho, you'll have your chance soon. Till now, you don't really have the chance to showcase your talent and one day, I'm sure you'll be a great singer and also a very good leader. Don't give up! 

His dimples are to die for. When he laughs, his dimples dance along and I can't breathe. The main dancer of Exo. He's shy and humble off stage but when it's time for him to dance, his face will change and he'll become really serious. He's really tough and sometimes he needs to stop. I really hate him when he continues performing when his waist hurts. When he smiles and say it's okay, he only wants the fans to see his best side. I hate him for being like this. But what can I do?? He's just so nice and hardworking and I don't know???!!?!? Yixing, he's really lost, he space out way too often. He's so forgetful he can even forget his earpiece when he brought along his ipod. Like... Why didn't he put them together? Forgetting his stuff is basics, but he can even forget how old he is and the worse is him forgetting his own name... Someone please help this forgetful kid. The way Yixing dance is really powerful. He's really passionate in it and that's how I fell for him. His passion for dance and everything. He's also a very talented young man, he can play the piano and guitar and his voice is really sweet. Zhang Yixing, please rest more and don't overwork yourself, you'll always shine whenever you go. 

The puppy of Exo. Baekhyun, he's really cute and his voice is really good. When he sings though, I think he really stress on his vocal cords. His veins are visible when he sings a high note. This worries me because he sings too hard and I'm scared that he might hurt his vocal cords. Baekhyun is really cheerful too, he's often fooling around with Chanyeol and they're really cute together I don't even- He looks really cute with beanies and his smile is also very pretty, overall, he's the pretty member. He's also very vain, guyliners and all. He's also the most different off and on stage and I wonder if that's a good thing? Baekhyunnie talks a lot, he never stops until he goes to bed, I wonder how the members survive. Nonetheless, I love our bacon. 

The one who has a really beautiful voice. He's really handsome too and his laugh is infectious. His Chinese is really cute and I can't help but go "awwww" whenever he starts speaking Chinese. He's really kind and I love, love, love his voice. His voice is really special and unique. He's the last to get into Exo and I'm really glad they scouted him. Chen looks really calm and quiet but when it's time to play... He'll change to a totally different person. He went crazy during the KTV session with Exo and I was really shock to see him like that. Never judge a book by its cover..... 

It's time for the 10 year old giant again. I really need this happy virus in my life because he makes me happy whenever I'm feeling down. I'm really jealous of Baekhyun to have this roommate of his. Chanyeollie is always smiling like an idiot and it's his motto. I really admire him for being able to smile and laugh everyday of his life. But of course, this idiot can have his sad times too. However, he don't show it. He might be sad for all you know but he'll never show it. 'Happy Virus' is his concept and I'm sure he don't want his fans to see him upset. Neither do I want to see him with a frown on his face. 

He's the second cutest member of Exo. His eyes are really huge and you'll often see him with a blur look on stage and that's not just to look cute, he's really like that in real life. He has a cute face but a very manly voice. His voice is one of my favourites too. When he sings in English, it'll just melt me deep down. He sounds really good during DJ Got Me Falling In Love and he's so small and so squishy and so cute?! The way he's so hyper during that stage was super cute!! And how he ran around the entire stage during Hope and then ran away when Jongin chased him, it's so cute!!!!!!!! I'm so done with this kid. 

The cry baby of Exo. He cries when he talks about his family. He cries when he talked about Exo. He cries when he's thanking the fans. He just cry a lot okay? He's forever the first one to cry and my heart will ache when he cries. He looks fierce when he don't speak but he's so soft-hearted, he's anything but scary. But when he does wushu, you don't want to anger him or he'll just smack you with his stick. He has a fetish for pandas and maybe Gucci? His looks and his character just don't match... Tao.. His eye bags is really bad but that's what I love about him. He's really cute right?? He likes to aegyo and he likes Kris a little too much. His Korean sucks and his drawings and handwriting can be of match with Kris for the most ugliest. Tao is really handsome and whoever says he's ugly needs to get their eyes checked. 

I hate Kim Jongin. He's always sexy and all but he's really just a kid at heart. He acts all tough but he's really shy. He's the cutest when he gets shock by confetti and whatnot and then gets all embarrassed and hides his face. He's a porn star on stage and a cute kid off stage. He fools around with his hyungs a lot and is often seen around Kyungsoo. He's cool but stupid. He, like Yixing, often acts tough although his waist is hurting badly. He hates it when people talks about his tanned skin. He's the icon of sexy in Exo mainly because he's tanned. His best friend is Taemin and when both of them are together, his smile is the brightest. To me, Kai and Jongin are two different person. Kai is a mask Jongin wears when he's on stage. Kai is what the fans want, his concept whereas Jongin is what he really is. Jongin is shy and cute while Kai is sexy and cool. To me, they have very different personalities. But sometimes, I see a little of both at the same time and I really like that. I'll definitely pick Jongin over Kai anytime. The similar thing between Kai and Jongin is that, both of them are really, really, really, hardworking. He said he would have no regrets dying on stage, his motto is "I'd  rather bend than break", his passion is really... I swear this kid is not my bias okay?? Why do I even have so much to talk about him. I guess I just admire the way he dances, how passionate he is when he's dancing and I hope he don't lose this glow of his. I hope dance will not become just a job to him. 

The weirdest kid I've ever seen. Sehun is so 4-D I really have nothing to say about him. He's like a baby but he always have this unamused face. He's forever sticking to Luhan and I think he loves Luhan a lot. Sehun is this very, very shy kid and he don't open up to many. Luhan is probably the one who went up to him because Thehun is just an awkward turtle okay? He's the youngest and he sure acts like one. How he whines and do his aegyo attacks at his hyungs when he doesn't want to do the housework. Unlike Tao though, he don't easily cry even though he's the youngest. His motto in life is "Let's live while doing things you like!" He sure is doing that. His motto taught me things too though, after seeing him say that, I start doing stuff that I like rather than obeying what others want me to do. After all, it's your life right? Sehun is really handsome, he's cute, he has a lisp and he can't really pronounce 'S' properly. I laugh whenever I see him and I don't know why. Sehun is really the weirdest kid I've ever come across. He laughs to himself and do all kinds of weird things. To understand Oh Sehun is impossible. ㅋㅋㅋ

And so I'm done with these 17 life ruiners. They ruin my life and gave me many ups and downs. But I'm still thankful to have them in my life. Thank you B1A4 and Exo, thank you for bringing joy to my life. I'll continue supporting you guys and I know you'll do well in life. You'll definitely do well because I believe in you guys. You know I love you guys right? ^^ 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 00:33

Tuesday 27 November 2012
생일축하 우리 해피 바이러스 ♡♡♡

Happy birthday to our happy virus Park Chanyeol. 27th November is the birth of a liferuiner, Chanyeol. This giant is always smiling, teeth and all. It's rare to see him sad, he's the happy virus after all. He is often seen fooling around with his Baekhyunnie, the mood-makers of Exo-K. He is 20 this year but in fact, he's actually a 10 year old dumb giant. He have gone through so much and he made it. When he smile, I can't help but smile along because his smile is infectious. He can brighten up everyone's day just with a smile. Thank you Chanyeol, for your permanent toothy smile that I always see on your face. You're so creepy and derpy but I still love you, you human-size puppy. I love how when you laugh so hard, your eye twitches and you look absolutely adorable. Your eyes are the prettiest. I don't get you most of the time and you're so innocent and childish. You probably smile more in a day than me in a week. You are always enduring all the hard ships and the way you look at things are always so positive. I admire you for that. When your teaser came out late, you were afraid you were being kicked out of the group, but you made it, didn't you? You are probably the derpiest, creepiest and sweetest idiot I've ever seen. Thank you for always smiling, please always keep that smile on.

"No matter how hard life is, I'll continue smiling like an idiot"
-Park Chanyeol

You really do live up to this Chanyeol. I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday last night. You said you were afraid you won't be able to celebrate your birthday this year, you said we were going to forget your birthday. Who will ever forget your birthday? When you answered, "everyone" to the question "What is your most precious item?" I felt really touched, thank you. When you played the lie detector, you answered, "yes" to the question, "Would you want to be in Exo in your next life?", you didn't get shock. I believe you Chanyeol, I know you really love Exo. You're the sweetest giant I've ever seen. I love you and thank you for everything you dumb ass giant.

Happy birthday! 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 13:43

Sunday 18 November 2012
Happy birthday Leader Jung

It's Jung Jinyoung's 21st birthday. Our grandpa is a year older today. Our singer, our composer, our lyricist, our amazing leader, happy birthday. Our Jinyoung, he's really nice. He's always smiling, even though he may be going through hard times, he still smiles. 
He treats fans like they are his girlfriends. He's really cheesy and sometimes I really can't stand him. He's such a creeper you know? He smiles like a pedophile and he looks like he's hitting on little girls. When he acts cute... I feel like dying. But sometimes he's cute.. Sometimes.
Our Jinyoungie, he's really talented. It was only their debut mini yet it already included his own song. Bling Girl. Which he personally composed on his laptop when he was sick. Then he proceeded to compose Wonderful Tonight. In every album they produced so far, it all includes his own composition. When they came back with Ignition, it was when I was really proud of Jinyoung. His song was actually the title track. His composing skills was even praised as 'Monster-like'. Baby I'm Sorry received many praises and I'm really proud of our halbae. Jaljayo Goodnight is another era I love. Now they are back with걸어 본다 and I really love that song.역시진영. No words can describe how proud am I of this guy over here. He's only 21 yet he achieved so much. 
Jung Jinyoung, whenever I think about him, the first thing that will come to my mind will be the word kind. From debut till now, I've never seen him thrown a temper. He's always smiling and laughing. He waves to fans, grab their gifts and makes sure he don't leave anyone out. No matter how tired he is, he never shows it to the fans. He always show his best side because he don't want us to worry. And this loser, he even cried when the fans sang the birthday song for him. He's a great leader and I'm glad B1A4 is under his lead. He keeps the group united and he never disappoints me. He's always saying such sweet stuff to fans and although it's cheesy and my hair stands, you can't deny that you like it. You can really see that he meant those words he said and it's really touching. It will warm your heart and have you falling head over heels for him.
Not even gonna lie, but Jinyoung ah, your English sucks. Whenever you speak it, I feel like laughing. But he's handsome so I'll forgive him. Our Jinyoung, he sucks in directions. He failed Geography and I really have no idea what to do about him. When asked to give directions to the manager to bring the group to the venue, he told the manager, "we have to go on the big road." The manager replied, "we're on the big road now." He looks at the road they are on and said, "No, it has to be bigger." When I watched that scene, I literally facepalmed. After leading the group to God knows where for half an hour, he said, "Can we go back to the starting point?" I... 
He's the leader yet the other members have to make sure they don't lose this lost kid. The lift came and he went in, not knowing the lift is going down, Gongchan have to call him out, telling him that it's the wrong lift. To which he laughed that stupid laugh of his when he's embarrassed. Sometimes I love that laugh but sometimes I want to punch him. 
something like this...
Jinyoung.. He's really pretty I'm so jealous. He's so skinny I want to shove food down his throat. He even embarked on this project alone to gain weight. He received so much stress because he eat alot but can't seem to gain weight. Someone help him please. 
how is he an 'all right', PD-nim?
Jinyoung will do well and if you happen to marry him, you'll be the luckiest girl on Earth. He's such a sweetheart. I love this boy over here and I really want to thank his mother for giving birth to this amazing guy. Today is your day Jinyoung and I'm sure you enjoyed it with the members and the fans. Thank you for everything you've done for banas. Those sweet "confessions" you made during those special days, I really received it well. Thank you for always keeping an eye on us fans, thank you for not forgetting us. Thank you for always saying you love us. You are always thanking us when B1A4 received an award, you're always thanking us and saying you love us wherever you go. Whenever B1A4 comes back after a long period of time, you never fail to say how much you've missed us and how nice is it to finally meet us again. You should go to jail for being so nice. You've always worked so hard and I can see your effort. I'm really proud of you Jung Jinyoung. 
I love your voice, I love your humbleness. There's nothing not to be loved about you. You're perfect. You always leave me speechless after meeting you. You're really so nice and I really love you for that. You've never once neglect fans, instead, you make us feel your love for us.Thank you being so sweet, really. 
I really love your voice.
“My target since I was a trainee is to become a singer that doesn't change even as time goes by and doesn't forget the initial goal. If I feel myself changing, I will control it and catch my heart again. I want to be with my members forever like the way we were in the beginning. With that promise, I will work hard all the time, today and tomorrow.” 
Jinyoung ah, I'm sure you'll never change, I'm very sure you'll always be humble. I'm sure you'll always be the same Jinyoung from when you debut. I'll always support you and B1A4. 
You've said many I love yous and many thank yous. Now it's my turn to say it. I love you Jung Jinyoung, thank you for being the Jinyoung that everyone love. Thank you for everything. Happy birthday. 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 19:04

Tuesday 13 November 2012

I tried to walk on a street without you (tried)
My boys are back. B1A4 is back. Really love their concept this time and Jinyoung is really a genius. His songs are always composed well. No words can describe how proud I am of him. The lyrics, the melodies... It's all really well written. Looking forward to their comeback stage and I'm really curious about the arrangement for their dance... Yesterday was the first time I bought songs online and yes, it's all for them. And every cent was worth it, they worked so hard. Good luck boys!! I'll support you from all the way in Singapore. 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 11:25

Saturday 10 November 2012
Short Story

"I'm tired Lu..."
"A little more!!" Luhan pulled Jihae while she strolled behind him. They were climbing up the hill to see the sunset.
"I give up..." She slowed to a stop and let go of Luhan's hand.
Luhan turned and saw her pouting. He chuckled, "Just a little more? The view is great!"
"I can't anymore... You know I'm not an outdoor person." She pouted even more.
Luhan ruffled her hair, "then what do you want us to do? Go back down?" Jihae shook her head, she knew how much Luhan wanted to see the sunset from up there and she knew he always wanted to take photographs from up there. Why was she so weak?
"I... Lets continue..." She grabbed his hand and pulled them along. But Luhan didn't budge, making her stop. She turned around, "Lu?"
"Aren't you tired?"
"But I know how much you want to see the sunset, and I want to be there with you." Luhan smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
"Lu..?" She called. He hugged her tighter and she wrapped her arms around him, enjoying this sweet moment.
He started rocking them right and left and Jihae laughed, "if we continue being like this, we're gonna miss the sunset."
He laughed along, "so be it."
Jihae pulled back, "no! We're going to see that sunset you've always wanted to see!!"
Luhan raised an eyebrow as Jihae proceeded to pull him along.
"Woah woah stop."
"What again??" Jihae turned around. He walked infront of her and bent down.
"What are you doing?"
"With your speed, we won't be able to make it."
"What? Are you looking down on me?"
He chuckled, "just get on my back."
 "..no, I'm heavy."
"come on Hae, we don't have all day."
"Lets just walk..."
"I'm waiting.."
"I'm still waiting." Luhan heard her sigh and knew he won. He felt Jihae's weight on him and he stood up, holding her legs firmly while she hugged him like a koala. He can feel Jihae's cheeks radiating heat. He laughed softly and held her closer.

"What if I get so fat, you can't carry me anymore?" Jihae asked quietly.
Luhan laughed, "Then I'll get as fat and we can roll around together."

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 01:15

Thursday 8 November 2012
In the wind II

Their teasers are freaking mind-blowing. It's so different from their old concepts and I love the change. I love the venue they used to film because it's in the woods! And they look like elfs, princes, fairies all combined together. It's really beautiful. It gives off the feel of fairy tales and it's just really pretty. This is probably gonna be my favourite album so far (except Let's Fly). Although it seems like a ballad concept but it's not possible right? I just can't- they are so good-looking in the teasers.... Love the melodies and the instruments used. It's like a whole orchestra and sigh, it's perfect for the late autumn season.
Shinwoo's (look at his perfection)

Gongchan's (notes the jawline and fingers)

Sandeul's (reminds me of Alice In Wonderland)

Really looking forward to this album and I hope they'll do well with it. Jinyoung composed the title track "걸어본다 " and also the bgm used in the teasers which is also "In The Wind" and he also composed "What Do You Want To Do". Such a talented kid. He'll also have his own solo song this time featuring Brown Eyed Girls' Jea. Looking forward to that song the most. And of course our Baro wrote his own rap parts as usual. Hoping for Gongchan to have more parts. Sandeul and Shinwoo are going to be great as usual. Really looking forward!! And please support B1A4 ^^ 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 12:07

Wednesday 7 November 2012
In the wind

I really miss those days. I miss last April. When everything and everyone was perfectly fine. When they look so clueless and cute. When they laughed and smiled without a care. I can see a change in Gongchan's attitude after that incident. From that day onwards, I couldn't look at him the same way like I did. When I see him on stage now, it hurts. Seeing him jumping and bouncing on stage, it's just not the same anymore. It makes me think how he kept everything in and decided to go with Baby Goodnight promotions. How he kept it from his hyungs and when they found out, he cried so badly that the hyungs don't have the heart to scold him anymore. He was so foolish to take those painkillers to lessen the pain. Gongchan, why? I know you didn't want to say it out because you don't want anyone to be worried but... Sigh, I give up on you. Although you're alright now, it still worries me, what if it acts up again? What if it starts hurting again? You're busy promoting and practicing, please take care of yourself. You're big enough right? Don't act tough you idiot. You're just a kid. I love you, I always will. Please take good care of yourself. I really don't know what the company is thinking.. Making a third mini album while you have concerts to prepare for. You'll hang in there right? Don't fall. You choose this path yourself so don't ever give up halfway. Your reward will be sweet. You worked hard for it, I'm sure you'll achieved what you want. I hope you'll get 1st place with this album, even if you don't, I still will love and support you. The teasers looks great and I'm sure the songs will be great too. Gongchan ah, fighting!

Well Jinyoung's and Baro's teasers are up. Check it out. The melody is great, especially Baro's in my opinion. Maybe because its a piano... It's really soothing and this is probably my favourite teaser ever. They look like princes in the woods. Really looking forward for the other three's teasers. Tried To Walk


我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 15:07

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Yes, it's Kris' 22nd bithday. The Kris. Kris.. Wu Yi Fan.. He may seem cold like this.
But mind you, he's not like that, not at all. This cold and fierce looking guy you're seeing here is totally different off stage. Off stage, he treats the airport like his personal runway. He can be wearing just a simple white shirt (which is the best on him to me) and still looks like a God. This guy, who is always said to have a 'bitch face' is actually very....... cute, yes, cute. He laughs at the lamest jokes, and he's a really, really, really, good big brother to the rest of the members. He may be the third oldest, but when he was given the responsibility of being the duizhang, he also took up the responsibility of being the big brother to all the members. He took care of them, gave them advices, help them when they are in need, this is Kris. A young man like everyone else but has achieved much more than any of us did. He didn't give up when everyone was bashing him for being cold on stage, for always having that face. He just debuted and have been accused of having plastic surgery just because he looked so perfect. This is Kris. He may be quiet, he may look like he don't have a care about the world, but actually, he cares, a lot. He don't talk much but whenever the members need someone, he'll be there. Kris.. He's mysterious. You don't know much about him and he don't really mention about his family background. Kris, everyone only thinks of him as Exo's leader. But he actually ranks third in Exo. He takes up the responsibility to take care of the members, not only in M but all 11 of them. When Chanyeol just did his eye lasik surgery, he can't be exposed to flashes and when Kris was supposedly the 'photographer' of the day, he switched off the flash before taking a picture of Chanyeol. It's a small action but this just shows how much he cares for the members. Although Chanyeol might have already recovered, he took a precaution, worrying that he might hurt Chanyeol's eyes. Just because he's the leader, he have countless of responsibilities, but he is just another 90-er kid. He needs someone to care for him too. Kris may look cold but who was the one whose eyes turned red and watery because of Tao's thank you speech? Kris. When Exo-M won the most popular group award, he finally broke down. When he broke down, my world was crumbling down too. I started crying with him and then I thought and I promised myself, I will walk the journey with you, I'll always be there when you cry and I'll walk the whole way with you. 
Those 4 years of training was not a joke. He cried, he can finally cry because he knew he made it. Those years of not giving up have made him today's Kris. Those rare smiles that he give, although he's not a cheesy person, you know he loves the fans with all his heart just by one look. Who says if you love your fans you have to say it every single time? Who says you have to say 'i love you' to know that they really loves you? Although Kris don't say it often, he shows it through his actions. How even though the managers stop him from speaking to the fans or taking their gifts, he made an effort to interact with the fans as much as he can. He grab gifts at every opportunity given to him and he cares for all the fans. Like how recently, the hotel was crowded with fans. The vase broke and he turned around to see if anyone got hurt. That's how much he cares. This is Kris. Exo's duizhang. Our dragon. He can just walk ahead, but he didn't, he cares. He is worried about the fans' safety than his own. Kris.. He have the most horrendous handwriting I've ever seen. How can one write so horribly in Chinese, Korean and English? 
When he oh-so-confidently said "写字不好看,不代表画画不好看。" [I can't write nicely but this doesn't mean I can't draw nicely] I really wanted to believe him, I really do. I tried. But it turned out... 

Mind you, he was drawing a rhino. He drew it like it was a donkey or something. He even guessed Tao's kangaroo as a duck, can you believe it? (not that Tao's drawing and writing is anywhere better but still). This is Kris being a dork. This is his own cute side. When Halloween rolls around, Exo-M was given the job to design Halloween cards for the American fans. Do you know what this duizhang of ours did? He drew a koala. A KOALA. What has a koala got to do with Halloween anyways? Later we found out... They actually had a koala stuff toy on the table. But when asked, this was what he explained.... 


But he's cute like that, you can't blame him, he's our one and only duizhang. I love Kris' drawings and I think they are cute, problem? Oh and this bitchface duizhang... I think he has a fetish for soft toys. When he saw that alpaca, I swear it was love at first sight. It's like he found his son. Then people started shipping AlpaKris. Which is like Kris and a.... Stuff toy!? It's cute nonetheless.
He's looking at it like "Oh, Daddy's so proud of you son". I swear he's in love with it, he probably has a portrait of it up in his room right now. Well, the love started when Kris was alighting the bus, van whatever, not the point. A fan was there waiting with these bags of gifts and his beloved. When he saw it, he immediately grabbed it. He even refused to put it up in the cabin of the plane when the stewardess asked. Like is this Kris??? When he went to the toilet... He put his beloved on his seat and fastened the seat-belt for it. Isn't our duizhang absolutely adorable? When they reached Incheon, he was still carrying it and he even put his scarf and specs on the alpaca. Like.. Is he playing barbie doll? Yixing and Luhan were really fascinated by it and they too, loved Kris' alpaca. And their smiles, omg, okay sorry this is Kris' appreciation post. 
this is proud duizhang carrying his fashionista(?) son.
This is Kris. Everyday, he would show you the different sides of him, bit by bit. Whenever I see him, he always surprises me.  When I first knew Exo, I thought "wow, can he please chill??" I was afraid of him truthfully, if looks could kill, I would've been dead like 7 months ago? I really want to thank Kris for opening up more and more on shows. If not, I would have never know how sweet this cold-looking guy was. I love Wufan's smile. It's those rare smiles that he gives that attracted me. When he smiles, his gums shows and that is absolutely stunning. Yes, he don't smile really brightly like our happy virus but when he smiles, those tiredness just washes themselves away. You will feel like supporting Exo was a right choice after all. Because, our duizhang's smile... It's really heartwarming, he's really smiling for real and it's not just a facade. Kris may not be my bias, but i love him, i love every single one of them. Each of them have their own different personalities and they are unique in their own ways. And I love Wufan just the way he is. When he speaks Chinese, although he's Chinese, I would still go weak in the knees because he sounds really good. When he speaks English, I can die. When he speaks Korean, he's just an awkward turtle. I love all these about Kris. He's really hardworking and he's just... Kris. When the fans asked for aegyo, although it's not his forte, he tried. That's how much he loves his fans and he is willing to act cute just for us. 
"you gotta keep this a secret." how bout no?
When he appreciates his fans, when he was so touched, he could have cried but he hanged on. Because he knows that if he cried, the fans would cry too. He knew that it was a happy occasion since it was his birthday, hence, no matter how touched he was, he kept it in because he don't want the fans to be sad. When he sang that song, his voice, it was really soothing. I can hear that he put in a lot of effort and that is probably like his favourite song or something cos he was lip-syncing to it on one of the programs.  Although he's a rapper, he sang. He sang the song. For the fans. Words can't describe how touched I was when he sang those few lines, although I was not present for that event, I can feel the emotions he put in for that song. Wufan, you're really special you know?
Kris oh Kris, there are 1001 things I have to say about you. How you can't even make a proper heart... It's the ugliest heart I've ever seen but it's your heart and I love it.
Kris, I love everything about you and I hope you will never change, I hope you will always stay this way. I hope you'll always be our humble duizhang. Please always smile, don't frown too much, you'll get old faster okay? I love your smiles, and I hope you'll smile that gummy smile of yours often. If the world decides to betray you one day, I promise I will never turn my back against you. 
you think you're in a CF?
Continue to work hard and I'm sure all your hard work will be rewarded. I will always support you no matter which part of the world you're in because you're worth it. You're worth all my efforts and my time. Because of your passion and hard working attitude, you made me fall in love with you. Duizhang, happy birthday. 생일축하. 生日快乐。You know I love you right? hehehehe 
favourite picture of Kris. EVER. 
Have a great day with all the members and fans and please have fun, you totally deserve it. I hope you get cake by the members. ^^;; And don't ever forget, we are always with you. WE ARE ONE! 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 00:33

Sunday 4 November 2012
Five things

Five things I'm scared of:
1) Ghosts [who doesn't? don't judge]
2) Bugs
3) Blood
4) Heights
5) Pain
Five things I love:
1) Music
2) Photography
3) Family & Friends
4) 오빠들
5) sweet and cheesy quotes
Five things I hate:
1) Rudeness
2) Dirt
3) Hypocrites
4) -
5) -
Top 5 biases
1) Gongchan
2) Luhan
2) Kyungsoo
4) IU
5) Jiae
Five colours:
1) Pink
2) Black
3) White
4) Silver
5) Grey
Five food:
1) 小龙包
2) 삼겁살
3) Sushi
4) Sashimi
5) 라면
5) Steak
Five drinks:
1) Coke
2) Pepsi
3) Milo
4) Chocolate Milk
5) Bubble tea
Five movies:
1) Paradise kiss
2) Step Up
3) Spirited Away
4) Pitch Perfect
5) The Hotel For Dogs
Five dramas:
1) 家好月圆
2) 真爱找麻烦
3) 海派甜心
4) Baker King, Kim Takgu
5) My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
Five songs[i have more than 5...]:
1) B1A4 - Only one
2) B1A4 - 웃어봐
2) EXO - Baby Don't Cry
4) EXO - 너의 세상으로/你的世界
5) SHINee - Romantic
Five things I have to leave house with:
1) iPhone
2) iTouch
3) Wallet
4) Polaroid cam
5) -
Five adorable things I like:
1) Rilakkuma
2) Alpaca dolls
3) Gummy bears
4) Kris' drawings
5) Adorable things
Five sports:
1) Ice Skating
2) Cycling
3) Swimming
4) Captains' Ball
5) Roller Blading
Are we done yet?
Five things I like about a 남자:
1) Must be a happy virus
2) Looks good with a backwards cap
3) Honest & Loyal
4) Cute & shy
5) Funny
Five books:
1) Twilight
2) Between
3) Some Girls Are
4) -
5) -
Five Things:
1) Sleep
2) Eat
3) 오빠
4) Music
5) Photography
Five quotes:
1) "no matter how hard life is, i'll continue smiling like an idiot" - Park Chanyeol
2) "I'd have no regrets dying on stage" - Kim Jongin
3) "I'd rather bend than break" - Kim Jongin
4) "sometimes people run because they need to know if someone will follow" - unknown
5) "even if things don't lasts forever, it's trying to make it lasts that matters" - Unknown
Five random sweet confessions:
1) "what if I get so fat you won't be able to carry me anymore?"
"Then I'll get as fat and we can roll around together."
2) "to me, you are really something that I can't function without"
3) "Promise me that you'll ask me to marry you."
"Only on one condition"
"What's that?"
"Promise to say 'yes'."
4) "if one day everyone in this world turn their backs against you, I will stand up and turn my back against the world"
5) "I would rather see you smiling than me smiling"
5) "I never knew what love was until I met you"

About me
I'm sixteen but very childish. I don't act my age and I don't look my age. Mainly because I'm short fun-sized. I'm sixteen but actually I'm five. I tell lame jokes and laugh at them myself. I love to laugh and smile, overall, I'm quite a cheerful person. But I cry very often because I'm such a loser that I cry reading fanfics and watching dramas. I can even cry hearing a sad song, that is, if I understand the lyrics and it's relevant to me. When something sad happens, I'll be down for the entire day. I'll be like a walking zombie and I'll have a gloomy cloud over my head. Unless you can make me smile again, don't come near me during those days because I'm so emotional and I'll cry all over you. But those days are quite rare. And if I get pissed off, don't come near me, you have been warned. I don't want to go ape shit at innocent people. I'll be having a black face the whole day if I'm really angry at something or someone. If I'm angry at you, it'll be obvious because I'll definitely ignore you like the kid I am. I absolutely hates lies and hypocrites. If you want to stay friends me, you better not be one. You better be an honest chap or you're a goner. Oh unless you can easily lie your way through me, then I guess I'll let you live... Maybe. I can easily tell who's lying and who's not. I know who are the ones I can trust and till today, I can still count them with one hand. It's pretty depressing but it's the truth. I rarely trust people and if you're one of them, it just means I really like you as a friend. If you're good to me, I will too. If you hate me, of course I don't go hating on you too. I'll probably find out why do you hate me and if it's reasonable then okay, but if it's unreasonable, I only have one thing to tell you, "you have a sad life.". I treat everyone nicely if they don't have an attitude that I hate. If you're really princessy and wants everything to go your way, I'm sorry, we can't be friends and you better stay far away from me. Not being rude here but I can't stand people like this. I usually do aegyo to my really close friends and I'm an awkward turtle. I'm quiet around strangers and I'm only crazy lively around my close friends. When you first know me, you'll think I'm weird and ... strange. Because I'll keep really quiet like the awkward turtle I am and I'll only speak if you asked me questions. But don't worry though, I'll slowly warm up to you sooner or later. If I hang out with you often, I'll show you the real me, if we hardly meet and all but still talk through texts or twitter then I'll be less awkward when we meet up but if we don't meet and don't talk and suddenly one day we meet up, I'll be that awkward turtle all over again. I try my best to be friendly all the time but everytime, it will turn out less friendly than everyone else. So usually I'll just sit around and wait till someone kind befriends me. I feel insecure when I'm alone, I hate going anywhere myself, really. I'm pretty shy and sometimes I just like being alone. I'm really just a average girl who comes with a lot of other complicated things. If you want to be friends, it's either you have to be really friendly or you just have to make me like you. I love to laugh, I love to smile, really I do. But life is hard and these comes really rarely nowadays. I may look cold but really, I'm just scared. I hate it when people I love leave me one by one so maybe that's why it's hard for me to trust someone. It hurts less when they leave without all your trust. My reactions are usually slow, everyone I knows says that about me. "OMG you're so slow" "you're 10000x slower than Shinwoo" "even a snail is faster than you" yup, you can say I'm 3 beats slower than the rest. I don't know, I tried to fix it but I guess it's in my blood??? I'm always late, i tried leaving my house early but it always end up failing. I guess i can't fix this... People say when I laugh, I make 2 ponytails and do all sorts of crazy things when I'm high. I found out that it's all true. I make people laugh when I'm laughing so hard I made 2 ponytails. Yup, I'm weird like that. Sigh. My friends all think I'm slow and weird, and that is also one weird combination. But nonetheless, I love my friends, I really don't know what I'll become without all of them. I treasure every single friendships and I absolutely hates friendship problems. It's to an extreme hate. If our bond is strong enough, none of that would happen, if it's not strong, it's just really sad y'know? I love my family. I love music and photography. These are the things I want to pursue in life and maybe fashion too. But these are hard to achieve and I'm thinking if maybe I should give up. I'm really interested in these and I think I want to hold on to them for a little while. I love, love, love singing in the showers. Of course when no one is there to hear me. I love dancing but I can't dance. My biggest regret would be not learning to dance and picking up a musical instrument when I was younger. I think I'll bring these regrets to my grave. I love travelling, and I love staying at hotels. Of course not cheapo ones like motels. I like hotels with a really great view and a big pool. Countries I would love to visit before I die would definitely be: Seoul, Japan, Paris, Taiwan and New York. I love Singapore though, I'm proud to be a Singaporean. I love Kpop music. I love the Korean culture where everyone is respectful and I love Korean food. Ballads over pop anytime for me. I like guys who look good wearing a cap backwards/sideways. Don't you think they look really cute? I love taking the aeroplane. I get really awkward when I meet idols because I rarely see them, how do people talk so easily with them? I can't and I would just stand there and stare at their perfectness. I'm a calm person...except sometimes. I love watching movies. I love watching dramas and sometimes I'm really a home person. I can stay home the whole day surfing the net or stay in bed. I can watch dramas for the whole day like an ahjumma. I'm actually a couch potato. I love reading in my free time but I can't study for nuts. I hate math and science, I'm actually more of a language person. I think I have no creativity. And I'm a sucker for Yixing's dimples. I'll drop dead at Gongchan's eye smile and aegyo. He's so cute I really want to squish him to bits and pieces. I love Luhan's voice, he sounds like an angel when he sings. Kyungsoo's voice is one of my favourites too. Kris... He really needs a singing part. I like Kim jongin, truthfully, he is my ideal type but I'm trying not to fall so hard for him. I'm a sucker for sad stuff. I cry at sad endings for movies, dramas, fanfics, anything. And it doesn't mean just tearing up, it's something much, much, much ugly worse. I'll bawl like a baby and probably think of it till I'm happy all over again. I really love sweet quotes and all that boys say. I'll just marry them there and then. I love cheesy stuff but not so cheesy. I can melt at sweet and romantic stuff. I love sweets and chocolates, snacks to be exact. I love to cook but I'm not good at it. I love pastries and all but I can't bake which kinda suck. I bought an oven but it's still lying there in my storeroom. I laugh like there's no tomorrow when I'm watching variety shows. I hate boring stuff, like a lot. I hate tofu. I love to sleep in. I hate rainy days, it makes me sad too. I like to fantasize of my life next time. I like to imagine how will waking up to a face you love every morning feels like. I am really bad at cheering people up. When they are feeling negative, i tell them that they have to be positive. But I'm not even positive myself. I love taking selcas when im bored. I love taking photos because afterall, all that's left are the photographs and memories right? I want to think that I'm kind but sometimes, i come off really rude and mean. I love shopping but im always broke. I hate attending schools. I hate exams. Everyone loves ice cream and so do I. Fanfics are part of my life. I'm always on Twitter unless I'm sleeping or out with people. I love pretty edits on Tumblr and i save those images till I have no more memory on my phone. i love photoshop but i sucked at it. I prefer cold to hot. If im eating alone, i have to watch something while eating. I would like to have pink hair one day. I get jealous really easily. I... There's many other things about me, but for now, I'm done. Bye.

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 00:56

Thursday 1 November 2012

That's enough Yixing. You think you're cool? You said you want the fans to be happy, you think we will be happy if we see you going on stage with your waist hurting? Do you know how much it hurts to see you dancing while you're suffering? Why are you so stubborn?! You're a stupid unicorn, do you really think you can heal yourself? Just stop putting others infront of everything, please think about yourself. You need to stop being so strong and.... Stop acting so strong... Everyone can see you're hurting on the inside. Just stop. You're making us worry everyday. From the way you looked so pale and the way you limped across the airport. Do you think we feel good? Do you think we can still smile after seeing you looking so weak? Please, we're anything but that, our hearts were shattering. We just want you to take care of yourself. We love seeing a healthy Yixing, we love seeing the way your dimples dance when you laughed too hard, we love seeing your smiles. We love you so much to the extent that we hurt when you're hurting. When you smile, we smile. When you cry, we cry together with you. When you're in pain, our hearts are not fine either. We're just right there next to you, when will you learn to stop keeping things to yourself? You have us, you can tell us anything.
求求你不要再逞强了好吗?我们只要你照顾好自己。我们不求你在舞台上亮出,我们只希望看到健康的你。健康的艺兴最重要!我们只要求这么多, 你就不能答应我们吗?不要再逞强了,我们还不了解你吗?你那个坚持不放弃的态度,你那个要把每次站在舞台上的机会都好好把握的态度,你那个虽然身体受伤还勇敢地笑的笑容。。。我们都知道,我们都知道你很努力。但是不要伤害自己的身体好吗?你的努力是不会白费的,我们不会让它就那样白费了,我们会好好地保护你,所以,别逞强了好吗?求你了。。。你好了以后再好好地秀你的舞也不迟啊。。。健康最重要!!!

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 22:32


only one♡

Samantha박지해, 21/05/96
" you are special because God created you "
정진영 신동우 이산들 차바로 공찬식
영원한 B1A4의 BANA ♥

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B1A4's Gongchan 140893

EXO's Kai 140194

IU 160593

Yoo Jiae 210593

f(x)'s Krystal 241094


"Giving us strength by telling us we're the best. We finally met people who are on our side. And their name is BANA" - Jung Jinyoung



this time is over
07 - Lay's birthday


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