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일기장 Dear Diary,

Monday 13 January 2014
Happy Birthday Kim Jongin

It’s your birthday again.

As you get more and more popular, it also means you'll get more and more haters. Seeing you smile every day, it actually hurts. Hurtful comments comes up every other day and I'm sure you've seen them, I've always wondered, how do you actually get over them? Do you even get over them? But you'll always put up a smile every day, how do you actually do that..?

I never knew I'll try so hard to get to understand someone that's of a completely different world from me but something tells me that in this world, there won’t be a second person who’ll make me feel like this except you. When I first saw you, I never knew I’ll fall so deep. You came and settled yourself comfortably in my heart and refused to leave since then.

If I wasn’t your fan? There’s no ‘if’, we can never turn back time, even if we could, I’ll still choose to like you and be your fan.  Fangirling, everyone says it’s a waste of money, a waste of time. But you’re laughing so brightly, how can it ever be a waste of time? Although I was too late to participate in your past, I’ll walk with you in your years to come.

Crying and laughing because of you, letting you affect my mood so easily, isn’t it a little silly? Even if I seem silly, seeing you grow every day, seeing your smile every day, there’s no regrets at all. You’ll always be worth it.
I love debut Jongin the most. Even though he seemed silly and stupid (he still is), an idol’s debut era is the most precious. As time goes by, you lose some things along the way and some which you can never get them back. For example, your childishness and naivety. And I’m willing to exchange my whole life for ten years of your childishness and naivety.

Jongin, to me, he’s still a kid. No matter how charismatic he seems on stage, it all shatters when he’s off stage. Well to me, Kai and Jongin is two very different people. Kai is a mask Jongin wears whenever he’s on stage. Jongin…  Jongin is what he really is. That kid with the goofy smile, that kid whose eyes turn into little crescents, that kid who cries. The only similarity between Kai and Jongin is that, they are very, very, very hard-working. He’s not very handsome, if I throw him into a sea of people, you might not find him. His character is also nothing special, he looks cold but when he smiles, he’s like a kid. Sometimes he looks really stupid, he gets scared easily, when he’s mad, he likes to glare at people, but when he dances, he uses his whole heart to dance, he works hard to perfect every step, he don’t say it out when he’s injured, he bears the pain quietly, but the look on his face says everything. He looks like he doesn’t care at all but he cares more than anyone else. Although he’s not perfect, he’s not very special, but there’s one thing that is enough to make me like him forever, do you know what that is? It’s because he’s Kim Jongin. Because he’s Kim Jongin, I can definitely find him in a sea of people, because he’s Kim Jongin, everything he does is cute to me. Although he’s not the very best, he’ll always be one in a million in my eyes.

“I think one of the main reasons why I was able to debut in EXO-K was because I thoroughly enjoy what I do as opposed to just work hard at it.”
One of the reasons why I love Jongin is because of his passion for dance. Like he said, he enjoys dancing. To him, dancing is his life. When he dances, he glows. I never want dance to be just a job to him. I want him to dance because he wants to, because he loves to and not because his job requires him to.  

“Q: What do you think is needed to be a charismatic man?Kai: Someone who is filled with enthusiasm towards their work or what they’re doing, a person who does their utmost best to do something!Q: What type of men do you find easiest to admire?Kai: Men who are very enthusiastic about their jobs!”
You, Jongin, is a man admired by many others.

"Everyone goes through hardships and there are so many difficulties in life. I know at such a young age that life isn’t gonna be easy. I might be shaken, and I know that there will be times when I want to give up, but I’m not going to break apart. I’m not going to give up and I’m going to strive on even stronger.”
Kim Jongin will never break apart.

I’m not your one and only but I can’t do without you. People asked why I love you so much, I can only answer, “Because it’s you, because it’s me.” I’m not your friend or family, but you’re more precious than anything because in this whole world, there is only one of you, how can I not treasure you? I might not be able to enter your world but you’re my whole world. I can’t do much for you but if you want, and if I have, I’ll do anything for you.
Happy birthday Jongin. I wish you a more successful year than 2013.  I love you.

Credit for the quotes: taekai ♚

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 17:45

Saturday 9 November 2013

I was already lonely as fuck 
But you just had to leave as well 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 00:16

Tuesday 8 October 2013

i thought i'll be okay, but i'm not.

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 19:33

Monday 7 October 2013
Happy birthday Zhang Yixing






哥真的很有创作的能力,你创作过的,我都有听,最喜欢的就是 '眼泪机场' 了。我很期待以后专辑里会有哥自己的创作。你会越来越棒的!我永远支持你!
哥被夸跳舞很好,不是第一次了吧?应该有很多粉丝跟你这样说。我同样的也觉得,哥跳起舞来,真的跟平常很不一样。就像是换了个人,气势也变了。我很喜欢这样的张艺兴,因为我知道你是因为喜欢而继续跳舞的。哥,要永远都跳舞哦,不要为了工作而跳,要因为喜欢,因为跳舞会让你开心,所以你才跳,好吗?不要跟舞打架哦。但是也要劝你不要跳太久,我怕你腰疼ㅠㅠ 也不要受伤了,要!休!息!也多喝水。。呵呵呵 
哥,生日快乐。天使今天要好好休息哦,因为平常那么善良地帮助人,是该好好休息了〜 呵呵!

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 00:01

Thursday 26 September 2013


我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 17:56

Saturday 21 September 2013


我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 16:10

Tuesday 13 August 2013
Happy birthday Gongchan


So it's finally his birthday. 
I admit, I haven't been paying much attention to him or B1A4 lately. But this doesn't mean I've stopped loving them altogether. I can't just say stop and stop, after all, I've spent the most time on them. Feelings don't fade so easily. I've gone through so much with this boy here. At the same time, he too, went through so much. On this very day, he was born. Blessed with his good looks, his sweet smile and a beautiful personality, he was able to stand on stage and realized his dream. I thank his parents for giving birth to this sweet, sweet, sweet child. I thank them again for letting him stand on stage, allowing him to shine, shine brighter than the stars and finally, letting me meet him. After meeting him, it was as if I'm on an emotional roller coaster. One moment I'm smiling, the next second I'm crying then I'm screaming. But I've never once regretted being a fan of him. No matter how tired I am, no matter how upset I am, he never fails to cheer me up with his witty acts, his stupidity, his kindness. He's the pillar of my strength. And in return, I'll be the pillar of his strength that will always support him in any circumstances. He's just like a star, even though he's so far away, I can still see him shining brightly. He will never fade, he will only glow brighter and brighter. His solo stage on Amazing con, that's the proof that he'll continue shining, because he have never given up hopes. He have improved so much, this just shows how much he have worked hard. I'm so proud of him and will always be. He have never disappoint me, I wouldn't ask for more because he have already given me so much, much more than I'd imagine. He's the brightest star in my sky, he's irreplaceable. I'll always support him and the boys and also their music. Happy birthday. Thank you for everything. And i love you, you know that right? 보고싶다

i typed this in advance, and i know it's not yet 12am in Singapore, but i have school tomorrow.
and i know i've used this pic/gif a lot but i love the gongchan over here, don't you? plain white tee, big, bright smile, on the bed. oh well, see you soon gongchan, but 438 is too much, you're not coming are you? come another time, and make sure it's a solo concert (: 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 22:48

Sunday 30 June 2013

I can watch him dance forever.

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 16:47

Friday 14 June 2013
exo 1st win

he never does things for attention. 


我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 21:06

Tuesday 23 April 2013


So two years have passed. Time really flies. It was like as if they have just debuted yesterday with 'O.K'. But no, they already have 5 Korea albums(Lets Fly, it B1A4, B1A4 I Ignition, B1A4 I Ignition Repackaged and In The Wind), 3 Japan albums(Beautiful Target, Oyasumi Goodnight and 1) and already held 6 solo concerts in Korea and Japan altogether. In these 2 years, I have watched them grow and perhaps, changed. Being a loyal fan for a long time, you will gradually realize that the person's appearance wouldn't matter overtime or rather, it is the personality that does. Please don't only look at their looks, please don't neglect their warmth and kindness. Don't take their kindness for granted. With many groups debuting these days, it is like a market place with many selections until you find the right one that suits you most. When times like this, what I usually witness is, "I used to like B1A4, but now I like xx instead." Doesn't it feel like a group of kids being abandoned? Yes, and I understand this very well. So for the fans who still like B1A4, love them as much as you can for yet another day, sincerely. You never know when you'll be touched by another group or start clapping for another group. So take this opportunity while you're still thinking of them wholeheartedly, to love them for yet another day. Too many people have once liked B1A4 but have moved on to being a fan of someone else. To some, it might be an act of betrayal but I have no comments, just a satisfying feeling that I'm still protecting something precious. We as fans are like the guardian angels of these kids, we are the bunch of people that understands them the most, we are people that hold them in our palms fearing that they will fall.

Truthfully, regarding the question, "Why do you like B1A4, ", I've pondered for a long time. There are many outstanding and lovable groups in the industry. However, upon circulating around these groups, I appear in front of B1A4 again. In fact, they are not the most outstanding and neither is their personalities the cutest. Never-ending. This is the feeling that B1A4 gives me. The happiness they brings or even the pain, they flow endlessly. I would like to say that B1A4 are actually just like us, they face struggles and troubles everyday, they get tired just like us, they get impatient just like us, they are someone who discusses pretty girls with each other, playing games, playing scissors paper stone, and they might even be dating just like normal people. However, these are the real them, and it's because of these truths that I've fallen for them. In the future, they would have to walk longer roads and if you can't accept them for who they are, how will you continue walking this road down by their sides? Please be understanding, please protect them more and please be strong for them. 

Lastly, I hope all the fans that still like B1A4 today, please continue walking this road by their sides with them and love them sincerely. 

我 으르렁 으르렁 으르렁 你♥; 22:04


only one♡

Samantha박지해, 21/05/96
" you are special because God created you "
정진영 신동우 이산들 차바로 공찬식
영원한 B1A4의 BANA ♥

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EXO's Kai 140194

IU 160593

Yoo Jiae 210593

f(x)'s Krystal 241094


"Giving us strength by telling us we're the best. We finally met people who are on our side. And their name is BANA" - Jung Jinyoung



this time is over
07 - Lay's birthday


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